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6 inch rulers

6 inch rulers

The rulers are for sale wholesale and in bulk only. Please e-mail if you are interested in stocking rulers in your shop or buying in bulk.

These acrylic rulers have both metric and imperial markings. Five designs are available:

  • London - Westminster Abbey, Palace of Westminster, Tower Bridge and St Paul's Cathedral
  • Big Cambridge - pastel paintings of King's and Queens' Colleges
  • Cambridge black & white - line drawings of the Bridge of Sighs, Senate House Passage, Trinity Street, King's Parade and Queens' College
  • Cambridge pastels - Bridge of Sighs, King's College, Senate House Hill, Queens' College and King's Parade
  • Cambridge Backs Panorama - pen & watercolour of 6 colleges along the Backs

12 inch rulers

Cambridge 12 inch rulers
The rulers are for sale wholesale and in bulk only. Please e-mail if you are interested in stocking rulers in your shop or buying in bulk. These acrylic rulers have both metric and imperial markings. Three designs are available:
  • Cambridge Backs Panorama
  • Cambridge Colleges
  • Cambridge College Crests

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All images © K J Lewis 2000-2024.
Images on this website may not be reproduced in any form without her permission.